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Источник Производитель маркированных карт в Китае

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Что такое игральные карты с инфракрасной маркировкой и как они работают?

Игральные карты с инфракрасной маркировкой are specially designed with markings that remain invisible to the naked eye but become visible through infrared technology. These cards allow players to see hidden information like the value and suit of a card using infrared detection tools. This article explains how infrared marked playing cards work and the technology behind them.

Что такое игральные карты с инфракрасной маркировкой и как они работают?

Что такое игральные карты с инфракрасной маркировкой?

Infrared marked cards have markings that are undetectable under normal light but visible when using infrared detection devices. Players often use these cards for unfair advantages in card games. Manufacturers apply the markings with infrared ink, ensuring they remain invisible under regular circumstances.

Как работают игральные карты с инфракрасной маркировкой?

Infrared marked cards work by using infrared contact sunglasses или же инфракрасные контактные линзы to detect the hidden markings. The infrared ink on the cards makes the markings invisible to others, but infrared equipment allows the player to identify the value and suit.

  • Infrared Contact Sunglasses: These sunglasses have built-in lenses that filter infrared light, enabling the wearer to view the invisible markings. Players can easily recognize the cards’ value and suit, giving them a substantial edge in the game.
  • Инфракрасные контактные линзы: For a more discreet solution, infrared contact lenses serve the same purpose. These lenses allow players to view the markings without drawing attention, making them an ideal choice for covert use.


Infrared marked playing cards work by using advanced infrared technology, which reveals hidden markings on the cards. Players can use infrared contact sunglasses or infrared contact lenses to view these markings, providing them with an unfair advantage during gameplay. Whether you’re using infrared contact sunglasses for a clearer view or infrared contact lenses for discreet gameplay, these tools enhance your ability to track card information.

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