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Co jsou průhledné brýle s neviditelným inkoustem a jak fungují?

Invisible ink clear glasses are specialized eyewear designed to reveal invisible ink or uv markings that are invisible to the naked eye. These glasses are widely used in poker, gambling, and casino settings, helping players detect hidden back marks on označené paluby. Whether you’re a casual gamer or a professional, they offer a discreet and effective way to enhance your strategy.

Co jsou průhledné brýle s neviditelným inkoustem a jak fungují?

How It Works?

Invisible ink clear glasses use advanced lenses to filter specific light wavelengths, such as infrared or uv, making invisible ink markings visible. These markings, often applied with an invisible marker, appear clear when viewed through the glasses. This functionality allows users to spot back marks on see through cards and other marked objects with ease.

Benefits of Invisible Ink Clear Glasses

  1. Diskrétní design: Resembling normal sunglasses, these glasses remain inconspicuous during use.
  2. Všestrannost: Suitable for detecting invisible ink on marked playing cards, and surfaces.
  3. Snadnost použití: Lightweight and intuitive, they are ideal for both private games and training.

Where to Buy the Best Invisible Ink Clear Glasses?

For the best results, choose high-quality glasses from trusted suppliers like TNT. We design our glasses to work seamlessly with various marking systems, including infrared and UV, ensuring clarity and comfort.


Invisible ink clear glasses are an essential tool for detecting hidden markings in poker and other gambling games. Their simplicity, discretion, and effectiveness make them a valuable addition to any player’s strategy. For premium products, explore TNT selection and elevate your gaming experience today!

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